HOW TO INSTALL FIREWALL ON KALI LINUX 1. type sudo apt update (to upgrade all the necessary firewall dependencies) 2. type sudo apt-get install gufw 3. type gufw 4. switch on the status 5. click on rules 6. at the bottom click on the plus icon 7. click on advanced 8. open a tab in your terminal 9. type sudo su (fix in your kali logins) 10. type ifconfig 11. copy the ip address close to eth0 12 paste it inside the box near from and to under advanced in your firewall enviroment 13 put in your ports 14. click on add below 15. go to your terminal type sudo ufw enable 15. type ufw command (to see all firewall command) 16. type sudo ufw allow ssh or sudo ufw delete allow ssh (that is if u want to delete the ssh) 17. type sudo ufw status 18. type sudo ufw deny http 19. type sudo ufw allow https 20. type sudo ufw allow from 21. type sudo ufw allow from to any port 22